The IXI is excellent for conveying a specific message to your guests. This is not required, but it is possible. What you want as a business owner is ultimately up to you. If you prefer your logo on the ixi, that’s fine… it’s your call!
But, as an establishment owner, do you want to promote your beer on tap while also offering nearby businesses promotional space? Perhaps there is a nearby cab company that would like to introduce itself to your guests. It is possible with the advertisement for IXI hospitality lighting. It also provides you with nice extra earnings as an operator.

Would you like to advertise?
We are regularly asked by restaurant owners if we do not have an advertiser. So if you are interested in spreading your message through IXI (which is now located throughout the country), please feel free to contact us, because… Advertising space on IXI hospitality lighting is extremely appealing. Your advertisement is always prominently displayed in front of the nightlife crowd. This is in a high-visibility location – a place where many people stay for an extended period of time – your eye-catching lit advertisement is sure to catch the eye. And this is an excellent opportunity for you, as a business owner, to bring your company, brand, service, or product to the attention of people looking for a fun night out.

Our advertisers


The IXI is fully customizable all around to your desired taste. For example, your logo, corporate identity, or any cooperation with an advertiser. This ensures that the IXI is unique at every location.